Swim Lessons Drop Out

Okay, so he’s not so much of a drop out as an “I got kicked out by my parents” kinda kid right now. Yes, after only 2 1/2 classes of swim lessons we had to take Isaac out of the pool and withdraw from the class. I know, he’s so cute in that picture, but … Read more

Caterpillar Insanity

My mom had warned me that on the news they had a story about the caterpillars at Mt. St. Helens and how they were taking over. I took the warning and thought to myself, “How bad can they really be?” We had been wanting to take the kids and go for the past year so … Read more

Have You Seen Moonrise Kingdom?

Have you seen the movie Moonrise Kingdom? We had never heard of it until last weekend when we were looking for a movie to go to while away for our anniversary. Moonrise Kingdom was playing at the Regal cinema closest to us and all the reviews said it was a must see so we decided … Read more