Soaking in the Advent Season

I’ve said it before, but since having kids it has made us evaluate how we do the holidays (especially Christmas), well life really. But I enjoy the changes we’ve made and I know God will continue to shape them and teach us how to revel in the season more and more each year. Some things … Read more

Baby Shower Ideas

Tis the season for Christmas but also for babies around here. I know many friends having babies around Christmas and the new year. One of the ways to bless a new mom or even second time around mom is to throw a shower. Being in ministry, this seems to be like a side ministry I … Read more

What’s in Your Mailbox?

I’ve been a little under the weather the past few days and it was a dark week in our country to say the least. So to get a fun package in the mail from a dear friend was such a sweet treat. I Love getting cards from friends and I’m known to save them for … Read more