The Death of My Juicer

(Be aware, this is a first world problem.) I was mid juice and my machine made a loud thud, like it hit a cement wall at full speed and that was the last sound it made. It never regained power and left my juice cup only half full. What a sad day. My Big Boss … Read more

My Latest Read

I’m pretty much always reading a parenting book these days, at least one really. Because like I told my daughter, I have no idea what I’m doing and need all the help I can get. Thank goodness for God’s guidance, grace and great resources. Someone suggested I read the book, “You Can’t Make Me” [But … Read more

Weekend Wanderings

We’ve been working a lot of hours the past couple weeks so some good family time was in order. There are also going to be travels ahead for the next few weekends so we reveled in the fact that this weekend was spent at home. Jenna had a party to go to on Friday in … Read more