Just last week at our training time that I help lead with our staff women we were sharing why we got involved in the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (now CRU) and why we joined staff full-time. All of us shared it was because God had changed our lives personally in college, we then saw Him use us in other peoples lives in college and we wanted to be a part of that full-time until He called us somewhere else. We live in a broken and hopeless world but we know a loving God who has changed everything and gives hope forever in the midst of it all. I am thankful that I’m a part of this organization and I’m thankful for how God uses it in the lives of people every day.
As we were sharing it was a great reminder to me why I stay; Why I continue to do what we do. I’ll be honest, it’s not always easy and right now it feels like it would be easier to move back to Bozeman and just live in the house that we own and get comfortable again there. But God. Isn’t that how it works? BUT God moves in and asks more. He leads us to places of total surrender, total desperation and total dependence so He can get more of the glory. So that He can do what He does best, change lives (including mine). I don’t know what His plan is so often (and don’t right now in some areas of our life) but I do know that He has called us here and here we will stay.