Celebrating Brittani

Today is Brittani’s birthday and we’ve decided to celebrate her in our family on this day. We’re going to make it birth moms day in our house, or just Brittani’s day because I know she doesn’t love that term. I’ve read that some people celebrate the weekend before mother’s day but this just seems fitting to me.

We met Brittani almost one year ago today and I feel like I’ve known her for years. Our intense road together has bonded us. She is one of the bravest women I know and has endured more than anyone should in many lifetimes. She’s thoughtful and sweet and has a heart for Africa like I do. And the most incredible thing about her is that she loved Isaac so much that she sacrificed her own happiness to give him more than she could give him at the time. She was obedient to God when it would have been easier to do it her way. She made the ultimate, loving sacrifice and we are forever blessed as a result. I told her at our Entrustment Ceremony that she would always be honored in our family and I intend to keep that promise.

We love you Brittani and we celebrate you today.

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