That’s What She Said….

I keep telling her that I want her to be 3 forever and to not grow up. Her reply lately is always “Mom, I have to grow up. There are babies without moms and dads and I want to adopt one.” So sweet.

We sat down to dinner and were having baked beans. Her immediate response was “Oh yum we’re having the magical fruit.”

While working on a really hard puzzle and putting some together she says, “look it’s a Christmas miracle!”

While at our Cru Conference she played with her friend Coleman. While sitting on the couch Coleman says, “Jenna do you like me?” Jenna says, “I need some space.”

“What do you think that the daddy’s name in my house will be?” Me, “You mean the man you’ll marry?” Jenna, “Yes” me, “What do you think his name will be?” Jenna, with a sly smile. “Josiah” Me, “Josiah Schwahn?” Jenna, “yep.”  So we have it. She has proclaimed her love for Josiah. At least for today. I’m okay with that 😉

“Don’t stare at the sun daddy. It’s a very, very strong light source.”

“I don’t want Isaac to grow up. I like him as a baby.”

Matt asked Jenna what she thought it would feel like to turn 4. She said, “I think I’ll feel like a grown up.” Oh, I hope not.



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