Half a Year…..

Today marks 6 months that we’ve been Oregon residents. That’s half a year!! When I think of it like that it seems so bizarre to me. I can’t believe that it’s already been that long. Although if I remember right it was still snowing when we left Bozeman and now the leaves are changing and fall has arrived so it’s not so weird that much time has passed. The honeymoon period is definitely wearing off but God has also done an incredible thing in my heart and I’m thankful to say that I have enjoyed living here and there are lots of things to love for sure. It’s a new chapter in our life for many things and we are thankful for all he’s doing in life and ministry.

At 8:00 sharp this morning our lawyer called. That’s how we knew we had lived here for 6 months. He is totally on top of it. At least someone’s on the ball around here. He wanted to let us know he was stopping by for us to sign our FINAL paperwork for our adoption. We couldn’t do that until we had lived here for 6 months. He left our house and headed for court to give them to a judge. Amazing. That too is so bizarre at times. I feel like we have prayed for soooo long for another child, then we spent months doing paperwork for the adoption and waiting for Isaac to arrive and now here we are and he is 7 weeks old. Life is just so crazy and it flies by at an extremely rapid pace.

So, here’s to our first 6 months in Oregon. They’ve been pretty fantastic. Can’t wait to see what the next 6 months will bring.

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