The Frenzy of Fall

The fall is here and unfortunately so is the rain. This is going to take some getting used to. I keep closing my eyes and picturing sitting in Montana in the quiet where you can feel the stillness and you know that snow is falling outside. Oh, how I miss that. But, here we are and I’m hoping to endure it with joy. But the weather isn’t why I’m writing today.

Ministry is in full swing here in the city. We work with campuses on both the quarter and the semester schedule. It’s crazy busy and there are only 3 full-time guys right now on our team and to top it off they are learning how to do it all from scratch. God has done some amazing things so far and there is much much more to be done for sure. This fall isn’t how I pictured it in the “ministry” department. I thought I would be “doing” ministry while Jenna was in preschool but thankfully God had other plans. I now have a sweet son to care for and I’m so thankful. It doesn’t take the desire to do campus ministry away though. So I fight the urge to be jealous of those on the front lines of ministry at the moment. God is reminding of the valuable things that moms have to offer. Most importantly I pray for my husband, our team and the city a lot when I’m at home. I may not get to be out there but I am a part in that way. A while back I looked around for some definitions of ministry because I think that being a mom in full-time ministry one can think that you’re no longer valuable. So here they are for you to ponder.

Ministry is giving when you feel like keeping, praying for others when you need to be prayed for, feeding others when your own soul is hungry, living truth before people even when you can’t see results, hurting with other people even when your own hurt can’t be spoken, keeping your word even when it is not convenient, it is being faithful when your flesh wants to run away.

meeting people at their point of need

I love those definitions of ministry and feel challenged by it. Am I doing that for my children, my husband, and for college students in some way?

There are seasons for everything and with a newborn it’s mainly a season of survival but in a couple months my capacity will grow again. So mom’s, how do you fit “ministry” in? How do you share Christ with those around you? I’m passionate about always staying engaged in the mission and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it if you have any.

3 thoughts on “The Frenzy of Fall”

  1. Take heart. This has been the coldest Portland summer in 17 years. September is usually beautiful! As far as ministry goes, mine looks different every semester. This semester I’m focusing on helping personally develop Darren’s interns, planning Winter Conference childcare, and speaking at my sister’s moms group next month. That’s about all this mom can handle. Next semester with a new baby will probably mean no ministry at all!

  2. Oh Jody,
    How refreshing. I’ve been struggling with the same things. Always justifying myself and abilities through ministry on campus. Trying to find meaning and purpose in life as a full time mom. Right now I can get on campus for a few hours or so a week and am co-leading an on campus Bible study. But what will happen to me and my self worth when baby #2 comes? With Ryan leaving staff, this means that I’ll leave soon, too. My whole Christian life has been with CCC, so that alone is yet another transition that I’m not looking forward to.
    Since this summer, I’ve been frequenting a lot of parks in the area and making friends that way. I’ve been trying to create and/or trust God with a ministry to moms in my community outside of CCC. It’s actually been really fun and surprisingly easy. So that’s one way you can see God use you outside of the home if you’re looking.
    I have to believe for my own sanity and survival that the time and energy I put into my family matters as much if not more than the time I spend on campus.

    HUGS, friend!

  3. Thanks for sharing you two. Kelly, I have learned that being a mom is my first ministry but it’s hard to remember how significant that is some days. Our kids are our top priority disciples and soon they’ll be in school and someone else will be teaching them so I want to make the most of it now. It’s so good for them to see us reaching out to others though whether it’s at the park or on campus. I’ll be praying for your next transition. We’re going to miss seeing you guys ;(


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