Another “God” journey

We are in the middle of another journey of what we know is totally orchestrated by God. There are times in life when I feel like this is more evident than others and this is one of those times. I think that most of us think that we have a lot of things under control or we can plan things out, and sometimes that’s true but mostly it’s just a facade we live in. I think family planning has proven this to us more than anything else. We wanted to have children, it took a long time, lost a baby, had Jenna (which is a miracle) and then have had more years of infertility. All that to say that God has more control than we have and He always has a plan.

We’ve wanted to adopt for the past year and half and the Lord continued to say wait and shut doors and then in Feb. we got a call about a student involved in another ministry who wanted to find a loving, Godly home for her baby and we were presented with the great opportunity to say yes.

After praying and feeling like we could move forward in the process we did just that. Now we have miracle baby number two on the way.  He is due in August and we couldn’t be more excited. Jenna keeps telling people that she’s going to have a little brother and they look at me confused because clearly I’m not pregnant and then we get to share our exciting story.

So why do I tell you this and post it to the whole wide world? Because it’s the journey the Lord has us on and we want to share it and also because we would love your prayers. Please pray for us, the process we’re in, that it would be a smooth transition in August, for the health of our new baby and for the birth mom. She is an amazing and sweet young woman who is making a sacrifice that is incredibly hard and admirable.

P.S. There will be many more posts to come 🙂

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