The Happenings

I know, you’re all wondering what we’ve been up to lately. And well, if you weren’t I’m about to share anyway. While Matt was in seminary class last week the kids and I packed in a LOT of fun along with some work of course. Here are some of the highlights: Berry Picking We went … Read more

Do You Need Peace?

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33 Here are a couple things we can bank on, in this life we are going to have trouble, trials, and … Read more

Vegan Challenge Finishes With Success!

Okay friends, we made it to day 30. Yes there was a little cheating along the way (more on Matt’s side than mine) but I feel like we did amazingly well. And get this, Matt’s cholesterol dropped by a ton. I think it’s a ton anyway. Anyone with a medical background can let me know … Read more