“But Everyone else is…….”

It certainly didn’t take long for these words to come out of her mouth, “But everyone else is…..” Here we go. Day 3 of school and she’s already being sucked into the trap of wanting to do the things that everyone else is doing.  They were given free backpacks at school, they were all blue, everyone … Read more

The Big First Day

It wouldn’t be like me to not blog about my sweet girls first day of school. It’s just too big not to talk about. She got up early and very excited for school, got a little teary over breakfast telling me she would miss me (awe), and did so great as we dropped her off. … Read more

Brooklyn is the Best!

We’ve had a weekend full of neighborhood happenings around here. Yesterday we were invited to a little party in the park where the kids decorated their bikes, wagons, trikes, strollers and even a toy dog for a parade around the park to celebrate the end of summer. Afterwards they had ice cream cones and homemade … Read more