The Christmas Season is Starting……

I know that statement seems so wrong; Christmas?! I really don’t get into the Christmas spirit until after Thanksgiving. As soon as the dishes are done from the meal I bust out the Christmas music but not before. It just seems like you don’t take in all the greatness of Thanksgiving if you rush over … Read more

Grace Denied

Do you deny grace in your life? Do you stiff arm gracious acts from others because you feel like you will then owe them something in return? Accepting grace is hard to do. Maybe you don’t think so but for some reason it’s challenging for me and many others I know. I’m preparing to go … Read more

Halloween Defiance

The one day of the year I willingly give my son a play hatchet (it’s not that harmful, don’t worry) as part of his costume and he refuses to use it. I’m constantly taking harmful objects from him that he’s trying to use as a hatchet or some sort of weapon but on Halloween, the … Read more