Serving Our Elementary School

One of my favorite days at our Cru Conference is the day of service. We weren’t able to find enough service projects for everyone because of the day it fell on but we were able to send out 150 college students into the community to serve and be a blessing. One of those places was … Read more

No Better Way to End the Year

The room was pulsing with energy tonight as we were beginning our last night of our conference. You could feel the excitement of the past 4 days and all that God had been doing. The Emcee’s were bantering and doing our last drawing of the evening. The big give away was a Kindle and the … Read more

Cru Conference 2012-Love Reigns

Today we’ll pack up and head to the Double Tree at the Lloyd center for 5 days. Why would we do that when we live 2 miles from there? Great question. Because for the next 5 days we’ll be serving over 500 students from around the NW region, praying that God will intersect their lives … Read more