Full and Sunny Week

We have fit in a lot of fun this past week. We’ve had play dates that have included swimming, ice cream and lots of outside time. The weather has definitely been something to sing about around here.   I love that picture above. The older girls being sweet and obedient, Isaac refusing to hold Brooklyn’s … Read more


It’s been a 4 year process. That’s a long time in my book. I can only imagine how the Israelites felt in the dessert for 40 years. 40 years! When we were asked to move to Portland, we said yes and then listed our house. It was on the market for what seemed like an … Read more

Weekend Wanderings–A Beach Getaway

We excitedly headed for the beach as the sun was out in full force. We had to take advantage of the warm day and our free afternoon together. We kicked off our shoes and strolled along the beach enjoying the sand beneath our toes. Once a year I get to pull away and go to … Read more