Truth Be Told…..

Here are some things that are true, I wish it were different but it’s not: Whole wheat pasta tastes bad. It just does. I try really, really hard, over and over again to cook with this and like it, but it is a lost cause. I give up. Please just give me the simple carbs … Read more

Are You Comfortable with Uncomfortable?

I don’t know about you but as I get older I don’t get more adventurous or more comfortable with being uncomfortable. It seems like I should because over the years I’ve seen God do great things through stepping out in faith, being adventurous, doing the uncomfortable thing. Instead however, I want more today to be … Read more

Have You Seen the Swifts?

Birds freak me out. They seem unpredictable, they can swoop at your head and they poop on you at random. I’ve had a few bad experiences. So when Matt told me he wanted to go watch the swifts, it took some convincing. I decided the kids would love it and I could put aside my … Read more