Costa Rica Round 2

I can still see their sad, teary faces pressed against the window as we pulled away from the curb last year. I imagine this year will be the same. I already feel the ache and pull of my heart as I plan to head to Costa Rica again this week. We board a red eye flight tonight and take 10 students to Costa Rica to experience a new world, culture and people. We pray it will help them to experience the heart of God on a deeper level as they trust Him, step out in faith and engage people who live in a different place. As I see the faces of my sweet kids in my mind I also see the faces of the friends who serve in Costa Rica that I’ll get to hug soon. I see the faces of the students that I met there last year that I’ll get to see again. I see that the heart of God is to take steps of faith, sharing with others about who He is and how we can know and experience Him deeply, giving them the chance to know Him too. It’s those things that I keep at the forefront of my mind when my heart wants to keep me at home with my family and in the comfort of my own home and culture. I want my life to be about God’s business and that my kids will see that their mom goes places that can be a little uncomfortable, unknown, and go to other countries to serve Him when He asks. I want them to see that following God is an exciting adventure and worth it because it totally is.

We’ll be updating our ministry blog at if you want to follow along from there.

Pray for our team as we’re away to be healthy, safe, and see God at work. You can also pray for my sweet hubby as he stays behind to care for the kids without family help (thankfully we have good friends around if he needs them). He’s such a rockstar!

costa rica sharing

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