Some days it’s more of a challenge to walk the road of faith (especially being the ones leading). Some days it’s easier to just say, “I think I’ll sit this one out.” Some days it feels like the things God is asking you to do should just be one open door after another and well, sometimes we have to break down walls to do the things He’s asking us to do. No one said it would be easy, but they did say it would be worth it. I’m sure you’ve heard that quote, sometimes I just want easy. Can you relate?
This week we’ve had some bumps in the road in ministry. It’s been more discouraging than encouraging honestly. We had to cancel our fall retreat which is one of the biggest things we do in the fall because only 5 students signed up. Every other thing we’ve done so far this fall has exceeded expectations as far as meeting new students, new students getting involved, student leaders excited and leading, etc. And then we can’t get anyone to the fall retreat. It’s such a bizarre thing to have happen, hard financially on our ministry and just bewildering really. And then there’s facebook to rub it in that Montana State (where we used to work) has over 200 going to their fall retreat. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so excited for them, but it makes me feel like we left the land of milk and honey for the desert. I know we didn’t really, but it feels that way.
Add to the disappointment of fall retreat we have hit a few bumps along the way for our Costa Rica trip. Nothing out of God’s control of course, but discouraging non-the-less.
These circumstances have brought about discouragement and a host of “feelings” but I’ve been reminded in the word this week of a few things (Truth not feelings); Here’s a quote from a study that we’re leading in our neighborhood that stood out to me:
Abraham wasn’t given many of the specifics (when he was sent). In fact, all he was told was that the blessing God was giving him would extend through him to the whole world. Throughout the scriptures, we see God calling his followers to live a life of “sentness.” Stability, social comfort, relational control, safety, success, respect, or clarity were not expected. People had to go purely out of obedience, a personal sense of calling, in faith, and simply because they loved God. Outcome didn’t matter; faithfulness did. -The Tangible Kingdom
And of course a favorite couple verses of mine; I just happen to be reading through Proverbs at a very opportune time this week.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Prov. 3:5-6
Sometimes ministry is just plain hard, unclear, we don’t know why God chooses to do some things and not others and feels like we’re making our way through the fog.
I took these pictures this weekend at my parents and was in awe of the beauty. I love to look at fog from a distance and not be in the middle of it. But it can be beautiful in the midst if we trust God through it and when it rises and we can see the bigger picture it’s a glorious sight.
I really like the last picture and last paragraph of this post.