Daily Strength for Daily Needs

My dear friend Kristi bought me a devotion book called Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary W. Tileston. It has been refreshing, challenging, and inspiring. It has scripture and quotes from different people in it. I wanted to share today’s entry. I’d love your thoughts too.

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.  Prov. 3:6

He leadeth me.   Psalm 23:2

In “pastures green”? Not always; sometimes He

Who knoweth best, in kindness leadeth me

In weary way, where heavy shadows be.

So, whether on the hill-tops high and fair

I dwell, or in the sunless valleys, where

The shadows lie, what matter? He is there.

Henry H. Barry

The Shepherd knows what pastures are best for his sheep, and they must not question nor doubt, but trustingly follow Him. Perhaps He sees that the best pastures for some of us are to be found in the midst of opposition or of earthly trials. If He leads you there, you may be sure they are green for you, and you will grow and be made strong by feeding there. Perhaps He sees the best waters for you to walk beside will be raging waves of trouble and sorrow. If this should be the case, He will make them still waters for you, and you must go and lie down beside them, and let them have all their blessed influences upon you.              H.W. Smith

I thought to myself after reading this that yes indeed God has used some very hard times to make me strong and there are times when I trust completely and know He knows best. But there have been times too when I have doubted and not wanted to trust His ways, I did not want to feed in His pasture and therefore I have probably missed out on the blessed influence it could have had on me. I know that I am a work in progress, a stubborn sheep if you will. I pray that each year I become wiser, more trusting of the one who leads me and in turn can lie down and revel in the blessed influence of it all, knowing that He indeed is there whether it is a time of storm or calm.

What about you? Is this challenging or encouraging to you?

2 thoughts on “Daily Strength for Daily Needs”

  1. I don’t agree with the “must not question or doubt.” Even Jesus questioned in the Garden of Gethsemane. The difference between His questions and mine is that He was perfectly submitted to the will of the Father, even as He grieved it and asked for it to be changed. God’s big enough to trust Him with our “WHY?!” and “HOW COULD YOU?!”, but I think it’s important that those questions be accompanied by a “Not my will, but Yours, and please wrap Your will around my heart so that Yours becomes mine.” I have prayed that, even when I wrestled with God.

    Wrestling doesn’t make one less holy, but it can leave you with a limp.

    I don’t know… I agree with the idea behind it, but maybe it’s the word “must” that gets my hackles up? Words like that make me want to yell, “You’re not the boss of me!” and run away!


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