2010 Was Quite The Ride!

But then I recall all you have done, O Lord; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works. Ps. 77:11-12

We see in the word remember or recall over and over in scripture. We forget so quickly all the things God has done for us. So at the end of every year (hopefully more than once a year) I sit to remember all that God has done. I keep thinking have all these things really happened in our lives in just ONE year?! When I write it out it seems overwhelming. Thank goodness He gives us grace to handle it all.  So here is a quick synopsis of what God has allowed us to journey through this last year.

We started off our year with Jenna turning 3. What a joy 3 has been. I’ve laughed more because of her than I thought possible. She is hilarious. Then we spent a month in Portland getting used to the city and finding the neighborhood that we wanted to live in all the while praying our house would sell.

In Feb. our lives changed forever as we were presented with the opportunity to adopt Isaac. It was a sweet, miraculous, intense journey for sure. I could go on for days, but I won’t. His entry into our family has been an answer to years of prayer.

In March we had a wonderful vacation to visit family in Arizona. I only wish we could do it every year.

In April, we finally made the move from Bozeman to Portland leaving behind our home, our friends and staff friends who were like family and a ministry that we had invested in for 9 years (more for Matt). I’ve shed so many tears over leaving that place but so thankful for the memories we have there.

May through August was spent finishing our home study, enjoying swimming lessons and playing in the parks, raising support, a lot of yard work, celebrating 9 years of marriage and preparing for Isaac to arrive.

God answered so many prayers in getting us to Portland (unfortunately selling our home wasn’t one of them). We have a great staff team, we all live within 10 minutes of each other, we were able to rent a house that was where we prayed for, big enough for guests and gatherings, a yard and easy for Matt to get to campus from. It also has bonus features like sparkly ceilings, a wall of mirrors, the original green toilet, tub and sink combo, old everything and not in a charming way, but I am thankful non-the-less. We are so grateful to be closer to family and one of my best friends as well.

Unfortunately we have had two friends lose their battle to cancer WAY to young and my grandma Caroline died unexpectedly this fall. We’ve also had some finality in our infertility journey that brings sadness and yet freedom to move on.

We have begun to see God open doors here in Portland with ministry and we are hopeful that He is going to build a movement here that will impact the campuses for Christ.

Whew! We have had high highs and low lows. When God is in charge there is never a dull moment. I am so thankful for where we are. We are in the middle of God’s will and there is no better place to be. I can’t wait to see what God continues to do in our family of FOUR in the next year.

What was your year like? I pray that 2011 will bring many blessings for you all.

1 thought on “2010 Was Quite The Ride!”

  1. May God bless you in your ministry. One thing I notice in scripture is that God’s way of moving people to new ministry opportunities were rarely smooth.

    The term “keep the faith” is more than just a greeting but an invitation to open your eyes to all that God will do even in, perhaps especially in, difficult transitions.


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