That’s What She Said….

“Remember, I’m a pretty princess. You can call me sleeping beauty.” (She had slept 14 hours the night before so it was fitting)

After throwing up in the middle of the night. “I don’t think I’m having a very good night.”

“I keep tooting. I guess my bottom’s talking to me.” (she will hate me one day for posting this stuff)

I asked if she was putting her pj’s on. And she said to me “When are you gonna put on your ugly pj’s?” Well, I guess mine aren’t up to her “pretty”standards.

Overheard during Jenna telling Matt stories.   “There was a reindeer at the mall in Portland doing his Christmas shopping and he got lost. He didn’t know how to get back to the forest and he missed his mom and daddy so much. But it was okay because he had a GPS. But he didn’t have hands so he had to use his nose or antlers or something. And then his mom and daddy came and found him.”

“Man this pizza is gooder in my tummer. Did you hear what I said? Gooder in my tummer because it’s delish.”

Jenna on the phone with my mom “There’s a college girl coming over tonight to big girl sit me. You know because I’m not a baby any more.”

“Mom I think I have the bless you’s or something” (Those are sneezes. And it’s actually strep throat she has)

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