What Makes You a Better Parent?

Maybe you just wake up amazing and never need help in being a better parent. But that’s not true of me. I want to be the best parent I can be. I want to honor God in my role as a mom and a wife but that takes work and a lot of help from the Holy Spirit honestly.

Here are a few things that I think help make me better:

  • Time in God’s Word consistently
  • Prayer
  • A great husband
  • Reading good and helpful books
  • Time away (which requires the good husband)
  • Continuing to stay involved in things that bring me life like ministry
  • Wise counsel
  • A good group of friends to have play dates with
  • And last but not least, coffee.

So what are some of the things that make you better or help you as a parent?

2 thoughts on “What Makes You a Better Parent?”

  1. Patience, patience, patience Jody! Plus the fact that I have an amazing wife who loves Bailey almost as much as I do 😎 I am amazed at her ability to do her full time job, as well as remain as supportive as she does to us all. I could not do what she does, I need my ability to escape to work, even though it is not easy, it is easier than being a full time parent, as well as a full time employee. The fact that we love spending time with one another is special, we get on so well and love including B in our days together. We need our time apart, who doesn’t, but the fact that we cannot wait to get back to one another, shows how strong we are. Good morals and boundaries help, but I think the way in which you lead your own life shows our children what is right and wrong. The one thing I learned from my parents growing up is that family is important and helps build a good support network. By eating together with the tv off and just talking about our day, taking day trips out together, plus laughing and having fun all help. But I also think listening is super important, as we have so much to teach, to try and help bring them up as well as we all hope we can, that sometimes we forget that they also have a voice, that they too have things to teach us, as we are never to old to learn. I am no expert, I only have one child and she cannot even talk yet. But hopefully I can stick by the lessons I have been taught, learning from the mistakes that I have made and will no doubt continue to make, as I strive to be the best Daddy I can. X

  2. Great insights Paul! And yes, patience is a necessity. I can’t wait for Bailey to talk and really teach you a few things 😉 Kids are super insightful and get way more than you give them credit for so watch out. I love the family dinner rule as well. It’s so important. I also agree that family time is one of my most favorite things. What a joy. And you have to take advantage while kids want to be with you more than their friends.

    I’m so glad that Bailey has great parents. If only we all lived closer so we could do family outings together ;(


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