Letting Go

I have a million things that have come to mind in the past week to write about. Here’s what I’m dealing with right now. It’s simply this, letting go. It pretty much defines a lot of things, letting go of Bozeman, our house not selling and having to rent it, and now about to rent a place in Portland that lets just be honest is so not up to my standards. I have lived in two wonderful homes that we have had built and picked everything out in. And now I have to give that up and move into a place that was built in the 60’s, has not been updated since then and is really ugly. I know that I am selfish and spoiled and when I think about my friend in Africa and how she has to live I feel like a real……jerk. I could use a different word but won’t. I definitely got accustomed to nice things and all the great finishes in my home. But it’s just a house and I need to keep it all in perspective. So apparently the Lord is going to help me let go of those things, or force me too. So, now we have some sweet projects to work on in this next house. It will be a challenge to make it a beautiful home but I think we’re up for that. The upside is that it is in the greatest location and is bigger than we prayed for. You can’t have it all.

*photo courtesy of japa_justin

2 thoughts on “Letting Go”

  1. can TOTALLY relate jody. i won’t even tell you of my many ‘jerk’ moments since we’ve been here in OZ. you can imagine i’m sure. however i will say that i LOVE that you are in my p-town…perhaps we’ll be there soon too. 🙂 love you.


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