That’s What She Said……….

While playing the accordion, “I’m just practicing my rhythms and my tunes, not my songs.” “This one’s kind of a screamy tune.” (It’s true, it was) “I wish I lived in the Costco eating area so I could eat there every day.” She came out of the bathroom at bath time and said, “Um helllllooooo, … Read more

Are You a Workaholic or Know One?

One of the things that I respect so much about my parents is that they’re hard working. They can still out work me any day of the week. They definitely passed on a good work ethic. But, as a result of that hard working upbringing I can feel guilty if I’m resting. In fact, one … Read more

Our Fruit Tree

As we rolled out the art paper, drew our tree and proceeded to begin painting I could see this was already going to be a challenge. Jenna was carefully painting and I was trying to include Isaac in the activity and help him paint (in the lines and not all over the table of course) … Read more