Are You Comfortable with Uncomfortable?

I don’t know about you but as I get older I don’t get more adventurous or more comfortable with being uncomfortable. It seems like I should because over the years I’ve seen God do great things through stepping out in faith, being adventurous, doing the uncomfortable thing. Instead however, I want more today to be … Read more

Have You Seen the Swifts?

Birds freak me out. They seem unpredictable, they can swoop at your head and they poop on you at random. I’ve had a few bad experiences. So when Matt told me he wanted to go watch the swifts, it took some convincing. I decided the kids would love it and I could put aside my … Read more

Honest Toddler

Whew! I’m so glad it’s Friday! It was a good week but man I’m tired. So my husband is always finding things on the web and in social media. This week he discovered the twitter feed from Honest Toddler. It has provided at least an hour of deep belly laughing around here. The kind of … Read more