Slicing Pears

Sometimes you have to leave the house to learn new things right? Like how to cut a pear in a new and creative way; that’s what I discovered today at the cafe where we went to listen to music. I tried cutting them like the cafe did and Isaac ate a bunch of them. I … Read more

Week in Review

This has been a full and fantastic week. (Well except for the time where I tried to do some sewing and I wanted to bang my head against the wall. We’ll pretend that didn’t happen.) Fall has officially arrived, it feels like it anyway. It has been gray and chilly, the leaves are beginning to … Read more

Truth Be Told…..

Here are some things that are true, I wish it were different but it’s not: Whole wheat pasta tastes bad. It just does. I try really, really hard, over and over again to cook with this and like it, but it is a lost cause. I give up. Please just give me the simple carbs … Read more