Jenna’s Famous?

I got an email from a friend today saying that Jenna was famous and attached the email she had received with an ad from a toy store. Jenna’s face was indeed on their add. The picture was from 2 years ago when we went to this event and she got her face painted while we … Read more

Going Public

I recently read a book called Going Public by David & Kelli Pritchard thanks to my friend Cheryl who recommended it. We borrowed it on the Kindle but after reading it had to purchase a hard copy because I want it as a reference for years to come. It truly is one of the best books … Read more

That’s What She Said…….

Well, I think politics are incredibly depressing and the results of the election also depressing. So to lighten the mood here are some quotes from my daughter. They’re always good for a little laugh in my book. Jenna is needing to be challenged at school so her teacher sent home some book reports to fill … Read more