Rolling with the Punches…..

…..literally. Well, I guess it wasn’t a punch so much that started off the past several days of downward spiral but a ball thrown at the hand of my sweet child. You see, I was laying on the floor stretching out my back when the missile hit me. My two year old launched a ball … Read more

The Becoming of a City Dweller

I grew up in a small rural town in Oregon. There was very little diversity, things can be very black and white, the city is usually taught to be a terrible place where you don’t want to go (at least for long), and you’re conditioned to think a certain way. Then I went off to … Read more

Weekend Wanderings

Some weekends, success is getting a project done that’s awaiting your attention, spending time with others or getting an overdo list of tasks done. This weekend, success was getting the rest that my body and soul desperately needed. Last night we all were in bed by 6:59. Seriously. I fell asleep about 8:00 and didn’t … Read more