Do you know the key to longevity of marriage? This is a fantastic short video. My friend Jocelyn shared it on her blog the other day and it’s so worth watching. I’m passionate about marriage and seeing healthy marriages in a world where they are few and far between. What do you think of this video?
Here are some things that stood out to me (watch the video before reading this):
A key of longevity: “The covenant from this day forward sustains the love; Not the love, the covenant.”
Romance is a beautiful thing as is re-falling in love over and over again but it’s only sustained when you elevate the covenant over those feelings. The covenant always exists even when feelings come and go.
The power of promising-that’s the thread that keeps you together.
The base of the marriage can’t be feeling. You change, life changes, but the promise never does.
The ground in which the flower grows is the ground of promise and covenant. That’s where it re-flourishes over and over again.
*The definition of a covenant is a formal, sealed agreement or contract.