Did you know that there are 145 million orphans in the world?!
Did you know that if only 1 family out of every 4 churches in America would adopt we would have no more waiting children in the US? Do you get that? It is so doable but it just isn’t happening.
Did you know that most Christians don’t know the name of even 5 orphans in the world (including me)?
Did you know that an orphan is someone who has lost just one parent? Most people only think of those destitute children in other countries when they hear the word orphan but we have them in our neighborhoods all around us here as well. Our foster care system is full of them.
These are some things that were shared at the Summit. We listened to stories of orphans, those who have been adopted, those who have adopted, those who minister to orphans waiting to be adopted and on and on. It was emotionally taxing to me, mostly in a good way. We were all orphans once and God adopted us into His family and now He is asking us to help those in the world who need adopted into forever homes. Every child deserves to have that but millions never get it.
If we’re only motivated by the numbers and statistics though or even guilt our passion runs dry. As with anything, our passion has to be fueled by the God and His love for His people. Love for orphans (or people) doesn’t just change the orphan, it changes us as well.
Caring for Orphans isn’t just the newest social ministry but an embodiment of the church in action. And when you walk through the fields of the fatherless and meet even just one orphan you’ll never be the same.
So what can we do? Do you have any ideas of how to care for a child in need? We don’t need just one more thing on the agenda. That’s not the point. But how can we implement this into our lives and ministries? I’d love to hear your ideas.