Thanksgiving Break

We’ve had a great Thanksgiving break around here. We had a fun visit with Matt’s sister and her husband. Dinner was delicious and I’m pretty sure I’m a few pounds heavier as a result. The weather on Thanksgiving day was amazing and so for the third Thanksgiving in a row we went down to the … Read more

Taking Time for a Stroll

It has been a slower pace around here the past few days and it’s been so nice. We have the week off and Jenna doesn’t have school so we’re enjoying some extended time together, getting in some extra reading and time with the Lord, play dates with new friends and even a lovely stroll in … Read more

A Week Full of Blessings

All weeks are not created equal. Some are just better than others for some reason. This week has been filled with sweet blessings all around and I’m basking in the sweetness of it. Here’s some of the highlights this week, I have so much to be thankful for! My friend Katie (yes the same one … Read more