The Pain and Beauty of Pulling Teeth

Jenna wriggled and worked on her front tooth that was sticking out sideways for hours yesterday. In the middle of our Valentines day dinner with our small group and her friends cheering her on and giving her tips on how to pull out that stubborn front tooth, she finally, bravely, yanked it out. We all … Read more

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Some of you stopped reading at the title. I know, it’s never been my favorite holiday either. It’s so cheesed up by the jewelry commercials, Hallmark has enough terrible cards to make you cry just reading them, and our world has such a messed up view of love that I don’t want to celebrate that. … Read more

The You You Wish You Were…….

In my mind there is the me I wish I were. You know, the woman who is the greatest friend, the best mom, the stellar wife. The woman who is always kind, always helps, always has the house clean, always has a great dinner on the table, the kids are happy, have lots of attention … Read more