Easter–This is Freedom

I often learn things from my daughter. One of her favorite stories to read all year, not just at Easter is the story of Jesus being crucified. I sometimes get annoyed that she wants to read it all the time. I mean isn’t it more fun to read about Jesus’s miracles, the cool stories of … Read more

Loving Spring Break

It sort of felt like we were hanging on by a thread right before spring break started. Life, ministry, school, etc. were full speed ahead and we all needed a little break. This past week has been so great. We’ve had some down time, a visit with Matt’s sister and niece (which was such a … Read more

Spring Beauty

I cannot get over the beauty of this time of year. I take at least a dozen pictures a day and feel so blessed that I live in this place and can walk around parks lined with these natural pieces of art. I’m pretty sure that these pink trees will line the streets in heaven. … Read more