How Do You View God?

The days are flying by at warp speed, there is always a list of to do’s and the days until we leave for 7 weeks are getting fewer and fewer. I still have A LOT of reading to do for my seminary classes but I’m slowly making a dent. One of the books I’m reading now is about the Old Testament. I’ve read through the Bible a few times and love the Old Testament but I usually camp out in the New Testament. It’s just easy to get lost or not appreciate the Old Testament because I don’t understand it all. This class is going to be so good for me. So challenging, but so good. I’m already learning things about God and how I view Him that need tweaking.

On our women’s getaway weekend we were all asked to find a picture that represented how we view God right now and a picture of how we think God views us. I’ll share my picture of how I view God first.


I chose this picture because the ocean is vast, deep, wide, powerful, beautiful, calming and yet scary, makes me feel small in the grand scheme of things, and helps me gain perspective. God to me is all those things. He is the one who makes the boat sail smoothly (like the picture) even when the waves are crashing about. I may not always like the storm or the unpredictability of life but He always remains the same. His love is vast, deep and wide and always available. (And depending on the day I may focus on a different aspect of the picture or God’s character.)

What about you? If you had to choose a picture to represent God, what would it look like?

Tomorrow I’ll share what picture I shared about how I think God views me.

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