The Waiting Game

God has a great sense of humor. Apparently He thinks that we should have to sit and wait, in a state that is not the one we live in, for our children to make their grand entrance. It would just be so boring any other way for us. What would it be like to go into labor normally or just drive across town to bring your baby home? We’ll never know.

So, here we are in Boise. We got the call that we may want to come and so we did. I wasn’t sleeping anyway at home because I was so fearful we would miss our son being born. We won’t have to worry about that now. Unfortunately the birth mom got sent home after a few hours in the hospital so we’re waiting in Boise. Jenna is thankfully being taken care of by the grandparents and great grandma. I’m so thankful for that. She was getting sick and we didn’t want to share that with baby brother.

So pray that she has him in the next day! If not though, we only have to wait until Friday for the induction. Yah!

So here is a few pictures of the room awaiting our son at home. It’s not complete but we’re off to a great start!

1 thought on “The Waiting Game”

  1. his room looks adorable jody! you’ve always had such great taste 🙂 i pray the waiting does ok, it must feel good to be so close so that you wont miss a thing. i CANT WAIT TO SEE YOUR SONNY BOY!


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