You ARE Beautiful

This weekend we went to dinner with some friends and in the bathroom on the wall was writing that I didn’t really pay attention to and then while washing my hands I noticed that I could read it in the mirror and it said “You are Beautiful.” I thought that was a really great place for that to be. I mean really, what woman doesn’t look in the mirror while in the bathroom and pick out all the “bad” things about herself? We look in there and try to “fix” ourselves as best we can to be beautiful and when that doesn’t work to our liking we feel bad. Whoever put that there was brilliant.

Then today I was reading a blog that I subscribe to written by many different people. It’s called (in)Courage. The post by this woman really struck me and ironically her post said over and over again that “You are beautiful”. There were a couple lines that really stuck out to me as a result of the pain of infertility but it relates to all women for many reasons. The post was called Free. I think it’s an encouraging read. These are the lines that stood out to me:

To see such wounded frailty was heartbreaking. What is it to be a bird without a wing?

Her brokenness resonated within me: my near-shattered heart grieved the emptiness of a useless womb. Infertility had left me wrecked, feeling trapped and betrayed by my own body.

As I put my camera away I whispered, ‘You are beautiful. You are still so beautiful.’

The tears came then……………

the post ended with this:

You are His. You are precious. He loves you.
With Him, you can fly again.

Will you let Him set you free?

Some days our wounds are just more real than others and we need to hear those words, not just by another person but by the God of the universe. He thinks we’re beautiful and that is a glorious thing. Apparently God thought I needed to hear that this weekend. Is it something you need reminded of?

1 thought on “You ARE Beautiful”

  1. This line resonated with me:
    “How often aren’t we hit midflight only to find ourselves broken and bleeding at the side of the road… grief-spattered, dream-shattered. And lying there numb and shocked, don’t we often feel empty of potential, use or hope?”

    I needed this today. Thanks for sharing!


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