Down Syndrome Through the Eyes of a Mom

I have dear, sweet friends who I have known for about 15 years. They are genuine, kind-hearted and wonderful people. They have the joy of raising 3 sons, one of whom has Down Syndrome. In honor of National Down Syndrome Awareness month (In Megan’s family it’s Down Syndrome Acceptance Month) I interviewed my friend Megan for the Portland Moms Blog . Here are just a few of the words she shared,

I am still a typical mom who wants to share stories, brag about my child’s accomplishments, and be asked about what my child is up to.  Down syndrome does not define us a family or me as a mom.  I’m a mom of three boys, (that is crazier and way scarier then having a child with Down syndrome) who wants her boys to live to their fullest potential possible.  Yes, there is a continual grieving process as a mom of a child with an intellectual disability that I walk through at different times in life’s seasons. I cherish friendships with other moms where I have the freedom to express thoughts, feelings, fears, and joys.

Megan shares honestly, vulnerably and authentically about being a mom and what it’s like to have a son with Down Syndrome. Please go to the Portland Moms Blog to read the rest!


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