Do You Know Your Neighbor?

Having just moved into our neighborhood we’re beginning to think about how to meet our neighbors. Ironically I read an article about this just this week. It’s a great read.

The day we moved in to our yellow bungalow it was pouring so we didn’t see any neighbors. We only have one neighbor really close to us and we’ve heard them and seen them out the window (all I know is they really like to smoke while leaning out their window) but not met them. In a society that is increasingly more unsocial because of the social scene on-line (I think) it’s getting harder to meet people. I think that the need and desire is still there though for people to know and interact with those around them and whether or not my neighbors want to meet me they’re about to 😉  We are called to love our neighbor and I’m a firm believe that God places people around you for a reason as well.

We are brainstorming some ideas on how to do this. One of them may be to make Valentines cookies and take them to our neighbors since that’s coming up quickly and gives Jenna and I a fun activity too. Winter is just harder but we’re going to figure something out.

What about you? Have you done anything fun or creative to get to know your neighbors? Do share.

4 thoughts on “Do You Know Your Neighbor?”

  1. I bring my neighbors veggies from my garden in the summer. Plus it helps having a sweet dog that they like to stop and say hi to! Glad you made it into a good house!

  2. Kale always wants to go knock on Cale’s door. We’ll have to make some cookies to take them so it isn’t Kale just asking to play in Cale’s backyard. 🙂


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