As I read through the news feed on Facebook or the twitter feed it’s full of peoples thanks. Thanks for friends, family, a delicious meal, etc. There is much to be thankful for. Many of those resonate in my heart, for I too am so thankful for my friends, family, God’s provision, the blue sky and sunshine we had earlier today, which allowed us to walk down by the river and take in the beauty of the day.
But I also can’t help but think of those who maybe Thanksgiving or the holidays in general don’t bring up a list of things that they’re thankful for. Maybe it’s a reminder to them that their heart is aching.
Maybe you have little on your table because the paycheck, well, just isn’t paying. God says, I will provide your daily bread.
Maybe you have an empty seat at your table because someone you love is no longer living. God says, I have have come to give you life and life abundantly.
Maybe there’s an empty seat at your table because family or friends you’ve been hoping to see canceled last minute. God says, I will give you comfort.
Maybe you feel hopeless about a situation that never seems to change or your dream seems to be fading away. God says, Put your hope in me for I do not disappoint.
Maybe you’re feeling lonely or abandoned. God says, I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Maybe your Thanksgiving table is more of a feast of insults, bitterness, anger or brokenness. God says, If you believe in me you are my child. You have been adopted into my family of love.
Whatever state your heart is in this Thanksgiving. I pray that you will know that God is loving and that He offers more. Come to His table and eat. May you be able to be thankful for Him today.
Very tender. I appreciate that.